Voice Recognition


About SNA of Ohio

sna strong
The School Nutrition Association of Ohio is a state affiliate of the School Nutrition Association, a national, nonprofit professional organization representing more than 57,000 members.  SNA of Ohio has been advancing the availability, quality and acceptance of school nutrition programs as an integral part of education since 1968. The Ohio Association strives to see that all Ohio students have access to healthy school meals and nutrition education.

The primary activities of the Ohio association are:
  • Providing members with education and training
  • Setting standards through certificate and credentialing programs
  • Gathering and transmitting regulatory, legislative, industry, nutritional and other types of information related to school nutrition
  • Representing the nutritional interests of all children
  • Representing the state of Ohio, providing a direct link between you and the national organization.
The SNA of Ohio is comprised of over 1400 members and is recognized as the professional Association of school nutrition personnel in Ohio.  A volunteer-based organization, SNA of Ohio offers numerous membership benefits, including a published newsletter, annual conference, seasonal focus workshops, an industry seminar and more. The SNA of Ohio is a community of professionals focused and committed to making a difference in the lives of the students and professionals it serves.

Interested in becoming a member?  Obtaining membership with School Nutrition Association is a smart investment in your program and your career. For more information, visit www.schoolnutrition.org/JoinToday.